With the New Year, comes new goals. Now is the time to lose some weight and get in shape. Unfortunately, for many of us - myself included - it is a revolving cirlce. How many times have you gone on a diet, only to gain back the weight, plus a little dividend? For many people, dieting is a vicious cycle full of ups and downs, and plenty of discouragement. If you want to keep your weight off permanently, you are going to need to implement a few techniques. For most of us, staying at a healthy weight requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but it will pay off in a longer life span, less sickness and simply feeling better. Let's look at a few of the ways that you can keep your weight off permanently.
1. Change your lifestyle -If you want to keep your weight off successfully, more times than not this means changing your entire lifestyle. It's not easy, but it is worth it. You don't have to become entirely preoccupied with your weight, that's not healthy. But you will need to keep focused on eating right, getting enough exercise and avoiding trigger foods that you know will put you back on that wrong path again. It's fine to cheat now and again, but you can't let it become a regular event. Allow yourself a nice dinner out every few weeks, but don't fall back into your old habits.
2. Replace bad foods with better foods -
There are some foods that you may never be able to enjoy in large quantities again. There are also other foods that simply may be too dangerous for you to eat ever again. These are known as trigger foods, like we mentioned above. These are the foods that start you on that downward spiral that can be nearly impossible to overcome. If you simply cannot eat one piece of chocolate cake, it's better to avoid eating it at all than risk falling back into your old habits.
Replace that cake with something that still satisfies your sweet tooth and chocolate craving but doesn't trigger that old behavior. This works for any food, not just cake, that you simply cannot control your reaction to. It's not easy and it's more than a little sad. But, you can look at this way. Which would you rather have - a few bites of cake or a longer life that you can enjoy? A little extreme yes, but sometimes you need to get tough with yourself.
3. Treat every day as a brand new challenge -If you've fallen off the wagon, don't let that cycle continue. Every day is a brand new day where you're going to have that chance to succeed at your healthy lifestyle. We all fall down every now again, but not all of us can get back up. Stop that cycle of falling and staying down, and start realizing that you are on a lifelong path towards getting healthy. It's ok to take a break for a few days, but don't let those days stretch into week, months and years. Get back in that saddle!
Looking for more tips - or help to jump start your weight loss? Join the BE A LOSER 6 week challenge starting January 18th at all Boost Fitness locations. Teams forming now.
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