Thursday, December 10, 2009

Four Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Sure you lose some weight by keeping a close eye on what you eat and going all out in the gym. But you can also keep the fat burning for hours upon hours after your workouts as long as you follow these super tips.

Always Train Your Legs

Your legs are the biggest and strongest muscle group in your body. (If they aren’t and you are benching more than you squat, then we have a problem that needs fixing now!) By using these big strong muscles and turning most upper body workouts into whole body workouts you will ramp up that metabolism and have your body in catch up mode for a long time post workout.

A great way to incorporate your lower body into your workouts is to prioritize them. Get it done first before you move onto your favorite upper body exercise.

Rest Less Between Sets

This is a sure fire way to increase the intensity of your workouts. Instead of the usual 5 minute, grab a drink, talk to the hottie on the elliptical, flex in the mirror rest, grab a stopwatch and keep it to 60 seconds. No guess work here, use a stopwatch or your 60 seconds will turn into 5 minutes before you know it.

You’ll find that using this method decreases the time you need to spend in the gym because you’ll be getting through your sets a whole lot quicker.

Crank Up The Intensity With Your Cardio

No more boring cardio workouts on the treadmill my friend. The best way to both boost your fitness and fat loss in with high intensity interval training. This type of training will no only boost the number of calories you burn during your workout but also keep it going for another 24-48 hours.

Try this little workout instead of your usual boring cardio – 10 sets of 200 meter sprints with 90 seconds rest between sets. Your rest can be slow walking with your hands on your head or standing still with your head in a bucket depending on how you feel!

Once you’ve done your 10 sets, head home and let the fat burning continue.

Stick With Compound Exercises

Exercises such as bench presses, pull ups, chin ups, dips, squats, deadlifts and lunges should make up 90% of your workouts. Ditch the isolation exercises such as bicep curls, tricep kickbacks and leg extensions unless you have time to waste. The big exercises will use more muscles and burn more calories leaving you with a bigger, stronger, leaner body in less time.

For more information our a free workout with one of our trainers - visit us online at

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