Monday, June 7, 2010

The Best Exercise to Burn Fat

We all know that exercise helps us loose weight, improves our health and increases our metabolism. But many people don't know that how you exercise, rather than how long you exercise, will have a big impact on how much fat you burn.
So what is the best way to burn fat? What is the right kind of exercise to do? A study at Laval University, Canada found that a group following a program of high-intensity intermittent-training lost nine times more fat than those following a normal endurance training program.
High-intensity intermittent-training also known as interval training or fartlek involves a combination of short sprints with jogging in between. The interesting thing is that during the training sessions the endurance group burned more calories than the interval training group. It would therefore seem sensible to assume that this group should have burned more fat; but over the course of the study it was actually the interval training group that burned the most fat.
The researchers discovered that interval training increases the bodies resting metabolic rate and so your body continues to burn fat after you stop exercising. This means that on an interval training program you can burn fat even whilst you are sleeping or watching television. It's like a weight loss dream come true. Well almost.

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