Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weight Loss and Counting Calories

It's a simple approach to losing weight-burn more calories than what you take in with food and you will lose weight. Research is now showing there is much more to losing weight than just focusing on the old caloric equation of calories expended vs calories consumed.

Why is it that so many struggle to lose even though they are only taking in low caloric totals each day? If this describes you, you're not alone. We've been taught this is all that matters when it comes to losing weight. Popular weight loss programs all adhere to this philosophy and regularly put people on 1200 calorie diets. While calories is part of the equation it certainly isn't everything and low calorie diets lead to many problems including fatigue, poor mood and nutrient deficiencies.

As a nutritionist this is one of the biggest problems I see. People trying to cut calories and as a result causing many deficiencies especially healthy fat intake and fiber-both of which are crucial to losing weight.

Understanding what affects your metabolism is key to understanding why there's more to losing weight than what you've been taught. Consider the following metabolic disruptors:

* Sleep patterns-research now shows those who eat a good diet but lack proper amounts of sleep have trouble losing weight. This is important research because it shows that someone can be eating well and adhering to a low calorie diet and still struggle to lose weight.

* Stress hormones-high cortisol levels contribute to poor metabolic function and not only leads to abdominal weight gain but also breaks down muscle tissue. This again explains how someone can be following a low calorie diet and not lose weight because of high stress hormones in the body.

* Thyroid imbalances-thyroid problems are often misdiagnosed and millions have what is called sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Poor blood testing and wide reference ranges are part of the problem. The bottom line is that many have been told they don't have a problem when in fact their thyroid is not functioning at optimal levels and causing an inability to lose weight.

* Gut problems-if your gut is not functioning well and you have bloating, gas, or poor elimination this greatly impacts how well you will lose weight. Research with lab rats shows when adding good bacteria and cleaning up the gut lab rats were able to lose weight and prevent diabetes. Many also have food sensitivities that impact their ability to lose weight as well.

* Inflammation-there is a major connection between inflammation and weight. While most are unfamiliar with this connection it is one of the most important aspects to achieving long term weight loss success. Eating the standard American diet leads to inflammation and the overgrowth of bad bacteria.

These are just some of the metabolic disruptors that need to be addressed to lose weight and keep it off.

If you're tired of playing the calorie game and are committed to trying a better approach I invite you to contact me at

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