Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to determine your target Heart Rate

One of the most common questions we get at Boost Fitness relates to what is my target heart rate. There are a bunch of little ways to mathematically figure out how you can improve your diet and exercise, and one of these ways is to determine your target heartbeat rate, and then use that information when you are exercising in order to get the most out of every single workout. Here is the math that you need to figure out in order to determine what your target heartbeat rate is.

First, take your age.Now subtract your age from the number 220.

220 - [Age]

Now take the difference, and perform these two mathematical equations:

[Your Number] x 0.6 =

[Your Number] x 0.8 =

Now take these two numbers and divide each one by 6 separately, so that we can get a target heart rate for 10 seconds rather than the full minute.

[First Result] / 6 =

[Second Result] / 6 =

The two numbers that you get as a result make up the range of beats per minute that should serve as your target heartbeat rate. Let us look at an example to explain this concept further.

First, take your age, 40 years.

Now subtract your age from the number 220.

>> 220 - 40 = 180

Now take the difference, and perform these two mathematical equations:

180 x 0.6 = 108

180 x 0.8 = 144

Now take these two numbers and divide each one by 6 separately, so that we can get a target heart rate for 10 seconds rather than the full minute.

108 / 6 = 18

144 / 6 = 24

What this means is that if you are a forty year old, then your target heartbeat rate should be between 18 beats and 24 beats in a 10-second count in order to be in the right cardio range.

After approximately 15 minutes worth of working out, not including your warm up, you should find your pulse on your neck using your index finger and your middle finger. Count how many beats you have for ten seconds exactly. If the number falls between your range, which in our example was 18 to 24, then you are doing good. If you get less than the lower number, you need to increase your workout intensity. If you get more than the higher number in the range, then you need to decrease the intensity of your workout.

When your heart rate matches with these numbers, that is when you know that you are getting the most benefit out of your workout. This is the best possible way for you to benefit from exercise for weight loss, so make sure that you know your numbers.

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